Author Archives: teenagemuslims786

Why are we living? Ummati

asaalamu alaykum my eye caught ur blog frm ilhaams journal .ur intensions look so good,we humbly hope that it is successful and Allah accepts from you. if I am not mistaken you put ur email add der for youth to … Continue reading

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But Allah will never forgive me..

I commited so many sins. Allah will never forgive me. I am the worst. I can never be forgived… No. Don’t say that. Remember that Allah says in the Quraan, “Don’t lose hope in the mercy of Allah.” In another … Continue reading

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The Aim of our blog

Why are we here-What are we aimed at?! This blog is aimed at youth. We aim at bringing to you experiences and challenges the muslim youth face. How did you change your life? What do you want to change of … Continue reading

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