But Allah will never forgive me..

I commited so many sins. Allah will never forgive me. I am the worst. I can never be forgived…
No. Don’t say that. Remember that Allah says in the Quraan, “Don’t lose hope in the mercy of Allah.”
In another aayat Allah says, “Allah forgives all sins except Shirk.”
My beloved brothers and sisters in Islam, we all commit sins. Everyone of us. But we can make taubah (sincere repentance). Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasalam) was pure, sinless…but he made so much istighfaar. We on the other hand are sinful, yet we fail to make istighfaar.
استغفر ﺍﻟﻠﻪ
Allah treats a servant to what he expects  from Allah..so if you expect it that Allah will not forgive you then ?

“The one who repents for a sin is like the one who has not commited a sin”

Make sincere taubah and never lose hope…



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